đề thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh lớp 8

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Lưu ý: Đề thi đua này bao gồm 04 trang, học viên thực hiện bài xích thẳng vô đề Học sinh ko được dùng ngẫu nhiên loại tư liệu này, cho dù là tự điển. ĐÀ 01: I/ Chọn kể từ sở hữu phần gạch ốp chân được phân phát âm không giống những kể từ còn sót lại bằng phương pháp khoanh tròn chữ loại A, B, C, hoặc D. (5 đ)

  1. A. look ed B. watch ed C. carri ed D. stopp ed
  2. A. s tudy B. s uccess C. s urprise D. s ugar
  3. A. u nite B. u nderline C. u niversity D. u niform
  4. A. d a nger B. a ngry C. l a nguage D. p a ssage
  5. A. ch aracter B. ch ildren C. tea ch er D. ch ange II/ Chọn kể từ sở hữu âm ti¿t được nhấn không giống với những kể từ còn sót lại. (5đ)
  6. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
  7. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence
  8. A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise
  9. A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
  10. A. medical B. advise C. vegetables D. physical III/ Chọn câu vấn đáp chính nhất. Khoanh tròn trĩnh vô vần âm A,B,C, hoặc D. (15đ)
  11. Are you interested .......... playing badminton after class? A. in B. with C. on D. for
  12. " What........ going lớn Hanoi tomorrow? " A. lớn B. in C. about D. for
  13. Hoa works very ......... so sánh she always gets good marks. A. badly B. good C. hardly D. har
  14. The building was built ......... 1962 and 1969. A. between B. from C. since D. for
  15. This school .......... n 1997 A. built B. is built C. was built D. has built
  16. Of all my friends, Hoa is.............

A. the tallest B. the most tallest C. taller D. more taller 7. Would you mind if I ................... a photo? A. take B. took C. would take D. am going lớn take 8. Last week I .................... my children lớn the biggest zoo in town. A. got B. brought C. fetch D. took 9. Are you proud .................... your country and its tradition? A. about B. on C. of D. for 10. Do you collect stamps or other things? - Yes, I am a stamp............. A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection 11. It is very dangerous ................... in the polluted environment. A. lớn live B. lives C. living D. live 12. Our ................... resources are limited so sánh we should recycle all used things. A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally 13. His xế hộp is the same color .................. my uncle9s. A. alike B. as C. lượt thích D. to 14. This ruler ....................... of plastic. A. make B. made C. is making D. is made 15. I take part ................... youth activities of my school. A. in B. of C. on D. at IV/ Dùng chính thời, dạng của xứng đáng kể từ mang đến vô ngoặc. (10đ) Nowadays, a lot of important inventions (1- carry out) by scientists (2- work) for large industrial firms. However, there (3 3 be) still opportunities for other people (4 3 invent) various things. In Britain, there is a weekly TV program which (5 3 attempt) lớn show all the devices which people ( 3 invent ) recently. The people (7 3 organize) the program receive information about 700 inventions per year. New ideas can (8 3 develop) by private inventors. However, it is important (9 3 consider) these questions : Will it work? Will it (10 3 want)? Is it new?

Bạn đang xem: đề thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh lớp 8

  1. _ 7.

  2. He always drives more at night. (CARE)

  3. Does this suit you? (ARRANGE)

  4. He is a very carpenter. (SKILL) VII/Gạch chân lßi sai ở mßi loại trong khúc văn sau rồi sửa quý phái mặt mũi (như ví dụ).(10đ) Example: 0. I haven9t saw you for two month 0/ seen Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1/ holiday. He traveled, with him classmates, lớn a mountainous area 2/ in Hoa Binh province. They gone there lớn help make a road 3/ through a forest among two villages. < It was very difficult 4/ because there had no water lớn drink and no shops where we 5/ could bought food,=said Nam. < It was very cold and wet 6/ in the mountains. It is one of the wetter places in the country.= 7/ Nam stayed in the mountains since six weeks. It was hard work, 8/ But he says it was the best thing he has ever did. He is hoping 9/ to return next year lớn tự any more work there 10/ VIII/ ĐiÁn 01 kể từ vô chß rỗng tuếch nhằm hoàn thành xong đoạn văn sau : (10đ) Learning a language is, in some way, lượt thích (1) how lớn fly or play the piano. There (2) important differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how lớn tự such things needs lots (3) practice. It is never simply to <know= something. You must be able lớn <do= things with what (4) know. For example, it is not enough simply lớn read a book on (5) _ lớn fly an aeroplane. A (6) can give you lots of information about how lớn fly, but if only read a book and then try lớn (7) without a great khuyễn mãi giảm giá of practice first, you will crash and kill (8) . The same is true of (9) _ the piano. So you think it is enough simply lớn read about it? Can you play the piano without having lots of (10) first? IX/ Ghép nhị câu làm giảm nhiệt độ, người sử dụng kể từ khêu gợi ý. (5đ)

  5. Minh does morning exercises regularly. He wants lớn be healthy ( so sánh as lớn )

  1. I9m learning English. I want lớn read book in English. (in order to) .......................................................................................................
  2. She said nothing. She didn9t want lớn make him angry (so as to) ...................................................................................................... 4 man was taken lớn the local hospital. He was injured in the accident. (past participle) ........................................................................................................
  3. The musician is internationally famous. He appeared in the concert last night. (present participle) ....................................................................................................... X/ Dùng kể từ khêu gợi ý vi¿t lại những câu sau sao mang đến nghĩa của câu bất biến. (10)
  4. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
  • It9s .........................................................................................
  1. They will show the time machine lớn the public when they finish it.
  • The time machine ................................................................................
  1. He was delighted lớn receive his aunt9s letter.
  • He was delighted that ..........................................................................
  1. Old xế hộp tires are recycled lớn make shoes and sandals.
  • People ............................................................................................
  1. I9m very sad that I wasn9t accepted in that group.
  • I9m very sad not ...............................................................................
  1. It9s three years since I last spoke lớn her.
  • I haven9t ..........................................................................................
  1. Tam doesn9t type as fast as she used lớn.
  • Tam used .........................................................................................
  1. < Please turn down the radio for me=, said my father.
  • My father asked .................................................................................
  1. Lan will be fifteen next week.

  2. are 8. be developed

  3. to invent 9. lớn consider

  4. attempts 10. be wanted

V/ 10 điểm – Mßi giới kể từ chính 1 điểm 1. with 2. off 3. lớn 4. into 5 6. between 7. up 8. for 9. in / for

VI/ 10 điểm – Mßi kể từ chính 1 điểm 1. deliveries 3. activities 5. frightening 7. solution 9. arrangement 2. explanation 4. sunny 6. friendly 8. carefully 10. skillful VII/ 10 điểm – Mßi câu chính 1 điểm

  1. interested -> interesting 3. gone -> went 5. had -> was
  2. him -> his 4. among -> between 6. bought -> buy
  3. wetter -> wettest 9. did -> done
  4. since -> for 10. any -> some

VIII/ 10 điểm – Mßi kể từ chính 1 điểm 1. learning 2. are 3. of 4. you 5. how 6. book 7. fly 8. yourself 9. playing 10. practice IX/ 10 điểm – Mßi câu chính 1 điểm

  1. Minh does morning exercises regularly so sánh as lớn be healthy.

  2. I9m learning English in order lớn read book in English.

  3. She said nothing so sánh as not lớn make him angry.

  4. The man injured in the accident was taken lớn the local hospital.

  5. The musician appearing in the concert last night is internationally famous. X/ 10 điểm – Mßi câu chính 1 điểm

  6. It9s very inportant lớn keep the environment clean.

  7. The time machine will be shown lớn the public when it is finished.

  8. He was delighted that his aunt sent him a letter.

  9. People recycle old xế hộp tires lớn make shoes and sandals.

  10. I9m very sad not lớn be accepted in that group.

  11. I haven9t spoken lớn her for three years.

  12. Tam used lớn type faster than thở she can/ does now.

  13. My father asked mạ lớn turn down the radio for him.

    Xem thêm: mẫu bản kiểm điểm cá nhân

  14. It9s Lan9s fifteenth birthday next week.

  15. When did you use the pen? XI/ 10 điểm – Mßi câu chính 2 điểm

  16. Minh has collected stamps since he was a child.

  17. I am not working tomorrow so sánh we can go somewhere.

  18. They are going back lớn England in two months.

  19. TV bringing not only information but also entertainment.

  20. At trang chủ on the farm life is always a struggle with nature.

ĐÀ 02

I/ Chßn kể từ gạch ốp chân sở hữu cơ hội phân phát âm khác 1. A. look ed B. watch ed C. carri ed D. stopp ed 2. A. u nite B. u nderline C. u niversity D. u niform 3. A. d a nger B. a ngry C. l a nguage D. p a ssage 4. A. ch aracter B. ch ildren C. tea ch er D. ch ange 5. A. l oo k B. c oo k C. b oo k D. r oo f 6. A. s ch ool B. ch emist C. quái ch ine D. a ch e 7. A. h ard B. wh o C. h onest D. h ouse 8. A. pass ed B. danc ed C. liv ed D. walk ed II/ Chßn đáp án đúng 1. Are you interested .......... playing badminton after class? A. in B. with C. on D. for 2. " What........ going lớn Hanoi tomorrow? "


2.............................. 7. ................................
3. ............................ 8. .................................
4.............................. 9. ..................................
5. ............................ 10. .................................

IV/ Chßn True mang đến câu chính, False mang đến câu sai.

*** True (T) or False (F)?** 1. You can study English, Chinese and Japanese at this language center. 2. If you are new lớn English, you can9t study here. 3. There are no classes for children at this language center. 4. There aren't classes on Saturdays. V/ ĐiÁn dạng chính của kể từ vô ngoặc. 1. We have two postal ................................. day. (DELIVER) 2. He left the room without .................................... (EXPLAIN) 3. Playing tennis is one of his favorite..................................... (ACT) 4. We started our trip on a beautiful .......................... (SUN)

1) Phu Ly FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER 2) 11 Tran Hung Dao Street, Phu Ly 3) Study English, Chinese and Japanese in the afternoon and evening and weekends 4) Course are offered for children and adults 5) Classes available for beginner, intermediate or advanced students 6) Courses start on June 2nd. 7) Please đường dây nóng 079. 38. 113. 114 for further information


5. He said < Good morning= in a most .............................. (FRIEND) 6. He always drives more .................................. night. (CARE) 7. He is a very............................................ (SKILL) 8. Although the room was fully furnished. I felt ........................ (COMFORT )

VI. ĐiÁn kể từ mến hÿp vô chß rỗng tuếch. When I (1)... child I used (2) ... lớn see my grandmother. I thought her house was (3) ..... as a palace and the garden seemed bigger than thở a park (4) ..... grew (5) ........... house and (6) ..... smaller but I still loved visiting the old lady. There were so sánh many beautiful things in the house. Sometimes, I played (7) ........... doll9s house which was older than thở grandmother herself. At (8) ............, I looked (9) .............. books which were (10) ....... interesting than thở my children9s book at trang chủ. * Your answer: 1. ............................ 6. ................................. 2.............................. 7. ................................ 3. ............................ 8. ................................. 4.............................. 9. .................................. 5. ............................ 10. .................................

VII/ Gạch chân lßi sai và sửa lại mang đến chính. Example : 0. I haven9t saw you for two months 0/ seen Nam is a student. This year he had a very interested summer 1/ holiday. He traveled with him classmates, lớn a mountainous area 2/ in Ha Nam province. They gone there lớn help make a road 3/ through a forest among two villages. < It was very difficult 4/ because there had no water lớn drink and no shops where we 5/ could bought food,=said Nam. < It was very cold and wet 6/


  1. tomorrow / can / not / we / somewhere / I / so sánh / working / go / am. -> ..................................................................................................
  2. back / in / months / England / going / two / are / lớn / they.
  • > ..................................................................................................
  1. information / entertainment / also / is / TV / only / but / not / bringing.
  • > ..................................................................................................
  1. struggle / on / always / nature / trang chủ / life / at / is / the farm / with / a.
  • > ................................................................................................. ĐÁP ÁN

I : 8 x 0 = 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C B A A D C C C

II: 10 x 0 = 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A C D C A B B A B B

III: 10 x 0 = 2. 1. is ... working 2. has.. 3. was asked 4. lớn go 5. was 6. studied 7. had never had 8. went 9. spoke 10. enjoyed

IV: 4 x 0 = 1. 1 2 3 4 T F F F

V: 8 x 0 = 2. 1. deliveries 3. activities 5. friendly 7. skillful 2. explanation 4. sunny 6. carefully 8. uncomfortable

VI: 10 x 0 = 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 was lớn very/as when up garden with that in more


VII: 10 x 0 = 2.

  1. interested -> interesting 6. bought -> buy
  2. him -> his 7. wetter -> wettest
  3. gone -> went 8. since -> for
  4. among -> between 9. did -> done
  5. had -> was 10. any -> some VIII: 10 x 0 = 2.
  6. It9s very important lớn keep the environment clean.
  7. The time machine will be shown lớn the public when it is finished.
  8. A bunch of flowers have been given lớn her (by them)
  9. People recycle old xế hộp tires lớn make shoes and sandals.
  10. There are sixteen units in this textbook.
  11. I haven9t spoken lớn her for three years.
  12. Tam used lớn type faster than thở she can/ does now.
  13. My father asked mạ lớn turn down the radio for him.
  14. It9s Lan9s fifteenth birthday next week.
  15. When did you use the pen? IX: 5 x 0 = 2.
  16. Minh has collected stamps since he was a child.
  17. I am not working tomorrow so sánh we can go somewhere.
  18. They are going back lớn England in two months.
  19. TV is bringing not only information but also entertainment.
  20. At trang chủ on the farm life is always a struggle with nature. ĐÀ 03

I. Tìm kể từ gạch ốp chân sở hữu cơ hội phân phát âm không giống. 1. A. neighbor B. receive C. weight D. great 2. A. cloudy B. windy C. dry D. rainy 3. A. compost B. shore C. order D. pour


A. crowd B. crowds C. crowded D. crowding 14. These are new born ...................... of our farm. A. calf B. calves C. calfes D. calfs 15. My father always drives.......................... He is a ....................... driver. A. carefully - careful B. carefully - carefully C. carefully - care D. careful 3 carefully 16. Unless you work hard, you ............... fail the exams. A. won9t fail B. will fail C. don9t fail D. didn9t fail 17. Mr Minh used lớn .................. a lot when he was young. A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D smoking 18. Minh drew that picture ................. No one helped him. A. himself B. heself C. hisself D. Minh9s self 19. Why are you turning on the TV? I .......... news. A. will watch B. am going lớn watch C. watch D. watched 20. Hung is ................... lớn ride motorbike lớn school. A. not old enough B. old not enough C. enough old not D. enough not old 21. We have learned English .............. nearly three years. A. since B. for C. in D. in 22. Tom failed the exam .................... his laziness. A. so sánh B. because C. because of D. instead of 23. I told him ............... so sánh much candy. A. not lớn eat B. don9t eat C. lớn not eat D. lớn eat not 24. Nam doesn9t watch T ..................... often as his brother A. so sánh B. lượt thích C. such D. too 25. Nhung is ............................. with being a famous star. A. boring B. boredom C. bored D. lớn bore 26. The show last night was so sánh............................. that we saw it through


A. fascinating B. fascinated C. boring D. excited 27. Their family had a few ..................... rest after a long trip A. hours B. hour9s C. hours9 D. hour 28. Either I or Tom ................. beef. A. doesn9t lượt thích B. don9t lượt thích C. lượt thích D. likes 29. When I called her, she ................ a bath. A. had B. was having C. has D. is having 30. I am looking forward lớn .................. you. A. see B. seeing C. be seeing D. be seen 31. What ............... when I called you? A. were you doing B. did you tự C. are you doing D. tự you do 32. I9d rather you ............. at trang chủ tonight. A. stay B. stayed C. lớn stay D. staying 33. It was raining ........... we canceled the trip lớn Ha Long Bay last Sunday. A. although B. because C. so sánh D. but 34. She spends fifteen minutes ............. lớn school. A. lớn walk B. walking C D. walked 35. She hasn9t written lớn mạ.......... A. already B. never C. no longer D. yet III. Vi¿t lại câu sao mang đến nghĩa bất biến.

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  1. How long is it since he left school?  When................................................................................
  2. We can9t afford lớn buy the xế hộp.  The xế hộp..............................................................................
  3. We arrived too late lớn see the film.  We didn9t...........................................................................
  4. If you don9t rest yourself, you will be ill.  Unless................................................................................


......... The candles will be lighted at the beginning of the buổi tiệc nhỏ. ......... The number of the candles is also the age of the person. ......... They don9t sing any tuy vậy at the buổi tiệc nhỏ. ĐÁP ÁN

  1. When did he left school?
  2. The xế hộp is too expensive for him lớn buy.
  3. 3 We didn9t arrive early enough lớn see the film. _ We didn9t arrive early in time lớn see the film.
  4. Unless you rest yourself, you will be ill.
  5. It9s the first time Nam has spoken lớn a foreigner.
  6. How heavy is your suitcase.
  7. Your house isn9t so sánh big as mine.
  8. The xế hộp is cleaned every week by my father.
  9. He asked mạ if I knew lớn speak English.
  10. The job should be done tomorrow.

1- F 2- T 3- T 4- T 5- F

6- T
7- F
8- T
9- T
ĐÀ 04

I. Give the correct sườn of the verb in brackets:

  1. He (live) with his grandfather when his parents (go) lớn Ha Noi
  2. Everybody (want) lớn learn English.
  3. She (buy) a new house next month?


  1. They (become) better students.