he had hardly left the office when the telephone rang

Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from mạ.

Bạn đang xem: he had hardly left the office when the telephone rang

=> Not only_______________________________________________________

2. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________

3. I had only just put the phone down when the quấn rang back.

=> Hardly _______________________________________________________

4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.

=> Not until ______________________________________________________

5. We only began lớn see the symptoms of the disease after several months.

=> Only _________________________________________________________

6. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.

=>  Never ________________________________________________________

7. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.

=> Under the table _________________________________________________

8. His brother had rarely been more excited.

=> Rarely_________________________________________________________

9. The facts were not all made public until later.

=> Only__________________________________________________________

10. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

=> Had___________________________________________________________

11. The response lớn our appeal was so sánh great that we has lớn take on more staff.

=> Such__________________________________________________________

12. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.

=> Not only ______________________________________________________

13. The police didn’t at all suspect that the judge was the murderer.

=>  Little _________________________________________________________

14. If you tự happen lớn see Helen, could you ask her lớn Call me?

=> Should________________________________________________________

15. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.

=> In ___________________________________________________________

16. The snowfall was so sánh heavy that all the trains had lớn be cancelled.

=> So ___________________________________________________________

17. If the government raised interest rates. They would lose the election.

=> Were__________________________________________________________

18. As soon as I got into the bath, someone knocked at the door.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________

19. There was so sánh much uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.

=> Such__________________________________________________________

20. It’s not common for there lớn be so sánh much rain in March.

=> Seldom________________________________________________________

21. You won’t allowed in until your identify has been checked.

=> Only__________________________________________________________

22. Just after the play started there was a power failure.

Xem thêm: hinh anh loi chuc ngay thu 6

=> Hardly________________________________________________________

 23. The Prime Minister has hardly ever made a speech as inept as this.

=> Rarely_________________________________________________________

24. We had only just  arrived trang chủ when the police called.

=> Scarcely_______________________________________________________.

25. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage.

=> On no_________________________________________________________.

26. The way so sánh much money has been spent lớn so sánh little purpose must be a record.

=> Never before___________________________________________________.

27. The judge was taken ill just after the trial proceedings began.

=> Barely________________________________________________________.

28. She seldom misses a lecture.

=> Seldom_______________________________________________________.

29. As soon as we had come trang chủ, it started lớn rain

=> No sooner_____________________________________________________.
30. As soon as we had turned on the TV, the electricity went out.

=> Hardly _______________________________________________________.

31. I have never been embarrassed lượt thích that!
=>  Never _______________________________________________________.

32. She had never experienced this exhilarating emotion in her life.

=>  Never _______________________________________________________.

33. He has seldom seen anything stranger

=>  Seldom_______________________________________________________.

34. I have seldom seen him looking so sánh miserable.

=>  Seldom_______________________________________________________.

35. As soon as I had got out of the bed, the phone rang.

=> Scarcely _______________________________________________________.

36. As soon as he had finished dinner, she walked in the door.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________.
37. I only understood the problem then.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.
38. We will be only able lớn accomplish this great task by working hard.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.
39. You can only pass this exam by studying hard.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.
40. You can only understand it when you grow up.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

41. I can only forgive you if you tell mạ the truth.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

42. I only realized that I'd seen it before after the film started.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

43. The situation was so sánh strange that I couldn’t sleep.

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

44. The test is so sánh difficult that students need three months lớn prepare.

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

45. The exercise is so sánh easy that every students can tự it easily.

Xem thêm: tên game hay cho nữ

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

46. He not only studies well, but also he sings well.
=> Not only  ______________________________________________________.
47. If you  meet her, please Call me!

=> Should  _______________________________________________________.
48. If you had obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened
=> Had___ ______________________________________________________