bài tập thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

Bài viết lách 50 Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này đơn cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải bao gồm không thiếu lý thuyết trọng tâm về Thì lúc này đơn và bên trên 50 bài xích tập dượt về Thì lúc này đơn tinh lọc, với đáp án cụ thể giúp cho bạn nắm rõ cơ hội dùng của Thì lúc này đơn.

50 Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này đơn cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải


1. Cách dùng

Bạn đang xem: bài tập thì hiện tại đơn có đáp án

- Diễn đạt một thói quen thuộc hoặc hành vi lặp cút tái diễn nhập hiện tại tại

- Diễn tả thực lý, thực sự hiển nhiên

- Sự việc xẩy ra nhập sau này. Cách này thông thường vận dụng nhằm nói tới thời hạn biểu, lịch trình hoặc plan và đã được cố định và thắt chặt theo gót thời hạn biểu

- Sử dụng nhập câu ĐK loại 1

2. Cấu trúc

Thể Động kể từ tobe Động kể từ thường
Khẳng tấp tểnh

(+) S + am/is/are + ….

Trong đó:

I + am

We, You, They + are

He, She, It + is

Ví dụ: He is a student.

S + V(e/es) + ……

*Cách tăng s/es:

– Thêm s nhập phía sau đa số những động từ: want-wants; work-works;…

– Thêm es nhập những động kể từ kết giục vày ch, sh, x, s: watch-watches; miss-misses; …

– Bỏ nó và tăng ies vào sau cùng những động kể từ kết giục vày một phụ âm + y:study-studies;…

– Động kể từ bất quy tắc: go-goes; do-does; have-has…..

Ví dụ: I usually get up early.

Phủ tấp tểnh

(-) S + am/is/are + not + ….

Ví dụ: I am not a doctor.

S + do/ does + not + V(ng.thể)

Ví dụ: I don’t lượt thích chicken.

Nghi vấn (?)

*Yes/No question:

Am/ Are/ Is (not) + S + ….?

- Yes, S + am/ are/ is.

- No, S + am not/ aren’t/ isn’t.

Ví dụ:

- Are they your friends?

- No. they aren’t.

*Wh- question:

Wh + am/ are/ is (not) + S + ….?

Ví dụ:

- Who are you?

- I am your teacher.

*Yes/No question:

Do/ Does (not) + S + V(ng.thể)..?

- Yes, S + do/ does.

- No, S + don’t/ doesn’t.

Ví dụ:

- Do you often go to tát bed late?

- Yes, I vì thế.

*Wh- question:

Wh + do/ does(not) + S + V (ng.thể)….?

Ví dụ:

- Why don’t you go there?

- Because I am busy.

Lưu ý:

Cách trừng trị âm phụ âm cuối s/es: phụ thuộc vào phiên âm quốc tế chứ không cần phụ thuộc vào cơ hội viết lách.

– /s/: Khi kể từ với tận nằm trong là những phụ âm /f/, /t/, /k/, /p/ , /ð/

– /iz/: Khi kể từ với tận nằm trong là những âm /s/, /z/, /∫/, /t∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ (thường với tận nằm trong là những vần âm ce, x, z, sh, ch, s, ge)

– /z/: Khi kể từ với tận nằm trong là vẹn toàn âm và những phụ âm còn lại

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trong câu xuất hiện tại những trạng kể từ chỉ tần suất:

- Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường xuyên), often (thường xuyên), frequently (thường xuyên), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), seldom (hiếm khi), rarely (hiếm khi), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), generally (nhìn chung), regularly (thường xuyên).

Một số kể từ chỉ cường độ thông thường xuyên khác:

- Every day, every week, every month, every year,……. (mỗi ngày, hàng tuần, hàng tháng, từng năm)

- Once/ twice/ three times/ four times….. a day/ week/ month/ year,……. (một lần/ nhì lần/ tía lần/ tư phiên ……..một ngày/ tuần/ tháng/ năm)


Task 1. Chia động kể từ nhập ngoặc ở Thì lúc này đơn.

1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.

2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.

3. My students (be not) ________ hard working.

4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.

5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.

6. She (live) ________ in a house?

7. Where (be)____ your children?

8. My sister (work) ________ in a ngân hàng.

9. Dog (like) ________ meat.

10. She (live)________ in Florida.

1. I am at school at the weekend.

2. She doesn’t study on Friday.

3. My students are not/ aren’t hard working.

4. He has a new haircut today.

5. I usually have breakfast at 7.00.

6. Does she live in a house?

7. Where are your children?

8. My sister works in a ngân hàng.

9. Dog likes meat.

10. She lives in Florida.

Task 2. Chọn đáp án đích thị.

1. I don’t stay/ doesn’t stay at home page.

2. We don’t wash/ doesn’t wash the family siêu xe.

3. Doris don’t do/ doesn’t vì thế her homework.

4. They don’t go/ doesn’t go to tát bed at 8.30 p.m.

5. Kevin don’t open/ doesn’t open his workbook.

6. Our hamster don’t eat/ doesn’t eat apples.

7. You don’t chat/ doesn’t chat with your friends.

8. She don’t use/ doesn’t use a ruler.

9. Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/ doesn’t skate in the yard.

10. The boy don’t throw/ doesn’t throw stones.

1. I don’t stay at home page.

2. We don’t wash the family siêu xe.

3. Doris doesn’t vì thế her homework.

4. They don’t go to tát bed at 8.30 p.m.

5. Kevin doesn’t open his workbook.

6. Our hamster doesn’t eat apples.

7. You don’t chat with your friends.

8. She doesn’t use a ruler.

9. Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate in the yard.

10. The boy doesn’t throw stones.

Task 3. Điền trợ động kể từ nhằm câu đem nghĩa phủ tấp tểnh.

1. I ………. lượt thích tea.

2. He ………. play football in the afternoon.

3. You ………. go to tát bed at midnight.

4. They……….vì thế homework on weekends.

5. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m.

6. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p.m.

7. Our friends ………. live in a big house.

8. The mèo ………. lượt thích bầm.

Task 4. Chuyển quý phái câu phủ tấp tểnh.

1. She feeds the animals. - She __________________ the animals.

2. We take photos. - We ______________ photos.

3. Sandy does the housework every Thursday. - Sandy _____________ the housework every Thursday.

4. The boys have two rabbits. - The boys ___________ two rabbits.

5. Simon can read English books. - Simon ___________ read English books.

6. He listens to tát the radio every evening. - She ___________ to tát the radio every evening.

7. Annie is the best singer of our school. - Annie __________ the best singer of our school.

8. The children are at home page. - The children ___________ at home page.

9. The dog runs after the mèo. - The dog __________ after the mèo.

10. Lessons always finish at 3 o'clock. - Lessons _________________ at 3 o'clock.

1. She does not feed/ doesn't feed the animals.

2. We do not take/ don't take photos.

3. Sandy does not do/ doens't do the housework every Thursday.

4. The boys do not have/ don't have two rabbits.

5. Simon can not read/ can't read English books.

6. He does not listen/ doesn't listen to tát the radio every evening.

7. Annie is not/ isn't the best singer of our school.

8. The children are not/ aren't at home page.

9. The dog does not run/ doesn't run after the mèo.

10. Lessons don't/ vì thế not always finish at 3 o'clock.

Task 5. Điền dạng đích thị của kể từ nhập ngoặc.

1. She (not study) ………. on Saturday.

2. He (have) ………. a new haircut today.

3. I usually (have) ……….breakfast at 6.30.

4. Peter (not/ study)……….very hard. He never gets high scores.

5. My mother often (teach)……….bầm English on Saturday evenings.

6. I lượt thích Math and she (like)……….Literature.

7. My sister (wash)……….dishes every day.

8. They (not/ have)……….breakfast every morning.

1. She doesn’t study on Saturday.

2. He has a new haircut today.

3. I usually have breakfast at 6.30

4. Peter doesn’t study (does not study) very hard. He never gets high scores.

5. My mother often teaches bầm English on Saturday evenings.

6. I lượt thích Math and she likes Physics

7. My sister washes dishes every day.

8. They don’t have (do not have ) breakfast every morning.

Task 6. Viết lại câu hoàn hảo kể từ những kể từ tiếp tục mang lại.

Eg: They / wear suits to tát work? ⇒ Do they wear suits to tát work?

1. She / not / sleep late at the weekends

2. we / not / believe the Prime Minister

3. you / understand the question?

4. David / want some coffee?

5. when / she / go to tát her Chinese class?

6. why / I / have to tát clean up?

7. they / not / work late on Fridays

8. she / have three daughters

1. She doesn’t sleep late at the weekends.

2. We don’t believe the Prime Minister.

3. Do you understand the question?

4. Does David want some coffee?

5. When does she go to tát her Chinese class?

6. Why vì thế I have to tát clean up?

7. They don’t work late on Fridays.

8. She has three daughters.

Task 7. Hoàn trở thành những thắc mắc sau.

1. How/ you/ go to tát school/ ?

___________________________________ ?

Xem thêm: cuối tuần này thì sao

2. what/ you/ do/ ?

___________________________________ ?

3. where/ John/ come from/ ?

___________________________________ ?

4. how long/ it/ take from London to tát Paris/ ?

___________________________________ ?

5. how often/ she/ go to tát the cinema/ ?

___________________________________ ?

6. when/ you/ get up/ ?

___________________________________ ?

7. how often/ you/ study English/ ?

___________________________________ ?

8. what time/ the film/ start/ ?

___________________________________ ?

9. where/ you/ play tennis/ ?

___________________________________ ?

10. what sports/ Lucy/ like/ ?

___________________________________ ?

1. How vì thế you go to tát school?

2. What vì thế you do?

3. Where does John come from?

4. How long does it take from London to tát Paris?

5. How often does she go to tát the cinema?

6. When vì thế you get up?

7. How often vì thế you study English?

8. What time does the film start?

9. Where vì thế you play tennis?

10. What sports does Lucy like?

Task 8. Hoàn trở thành cơ hội câu sau

1. ....... Jack lượt thích eating hamburgers? ⇒ Yes, ........

2. ....... you get up early on Sundays? ⇒ No, ........

3. ....... the students always work hard for the exam? ⇒ No, ........

4. ....... the train leave at noon every day? ⇒ Yes, ........

5. ....... he often play the guitar? ⇒ No, ........

6. ....... they take a xe taxi to tát school every morning? ⇒ Yes, ........

7. ....... Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? ⇒ No, ........

8. ....... water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? ⇒ Yes, ........

1. Does Jack lượt thích eating hamburgers? ⇒ Yes, he does.

2. Do you get up early on Sundays? ⇒ No, I don't/ I vì thế not.

3. Do the students always work hard for the exam? ⇒ No, they don't/ they vì thế not.

4. Does the train leave at noon every day? ⇒ Yes, it does.

5. Does he often play the guitar? ⇒ No, he doesn't/ he does not.

6. Do they take a xe taxi to tát school every morning? ⇒ Yes, they vì thế.

7. Do Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? ⇒ No, they don't/ they vì thế not.

8. Does water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? ⇒ Yes, it does.

Task 9. Chia những động kể từ nhập ngoặc nhằm triển khai xong đoạn văn.

My cousin, Peter (have)...........a dog. It (be)...........an intelligent pet with a short tail and big Đen eyes. Its name (be)...........Kiki and it (like)...........eating pork. However, it (never/ bite)...........anyone; sometimes it (bark)...........when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be)...........very friendly. It (not/ like)...........eating fruits, but it (often/ play)...........with them. When the weather (become)...........bad, it (just/ sleep)...........in his cage all day. Peter (play)...........with Kiki every day after school. There (be)...........many people on the road, sánh Peter (not/ let)...........the dog lập cập into the road. He (often/ take)...........Kiki to tát a large field to tát enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be)...........naughty, but Peter loves it very much.

My cousin, Peter (have) has a dog. It (be) is an intelligent pet with a short tail and big Đen eyes. Its name (be) is Kiki and it (like) likes eating pork. However, it (never/ bite) never bites anyone; sometimes it (bark) barks when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be) is very friendly. It (not/ like) does not lượt thích (doesn’t like) eating fruits, but it (often/ play) often plays with them. When the weather (become) becomes bad, it (just/ sleep) just sleeps in his cage all day. Peter (play) plays with Kiki every day after school. There (be) are many people on the road, sánh Peter (not/ let) does not let (doesn’t let) the dog lập cập on the road. He (often/ take) often takes Kiki to tát a large field to tát enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be) is sometimes naughty, but Peter loves it very much.

Task 10. Hoàn trở thành cơ hội câu sau với kể từ nhập ngoặc

1. My brothers (sleep) on the floor. (often)

2. He (stay) up late? (sometimes)

3. I (do) the housework with my brother. (always)

4. Peter and Mary (come) to tát class on time. (never)

5. Why Johnson (get) good marks? (always)

6. You (go) shopping? (usually)

7. She (cry). (seldom)

8. My father (have) popcorn. (never)

1. My brothers often sleep on the floor.

2. Does he sometimes stay up late?/ Does he stay up late sometimes?

3. I always vì thế the housework with my brother.

4. Peter and Mary never come to tát class on time.

5. Why does Johnson always get good marks?

6. Do you usually go shopping?

7. She seldom cries.

8. My father never has popcorn.

Bài tập dượt té sung

Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences in negative size.

1. They always go to tát the beach in the summer.

2. She often visits her grandparents on Sundays.

3. We usually have breakfast at home page.

4. He sometimes plays guitar at parties.

5. I often read books before going to tát bed.

Đáp án:

1. They don’t always go to tát the beach in the summer.

2. She doesn’t often visit her grandparents on Sundays.

3. We don’t usually have breakfast at home page.

4. He doesn’t sometimes play guitar at parties.

5. I don’t often read books before going to tát bed.

Exercise 2. Put the correct size of the verbs.

1. My friend __________ (live) in London.

2. They __________ (study) English at the university.

3. We __________ (play) football every weekend.

4. She usually __________ (go) to tát the thể hình after work.

5. The mèo __________ (sleep) on the sofa.

6. He __________ (like) to tát eat pizza.

7. I __________ (watch) a movie right now.

8. They __________ (travel) to tát different countries every year.

9. We __________ (have) lunch at 12 o’clock.

10. She __________ (read) a book in the park.

11. He __________ (work) as a teacher.

12. The train __________ (arrive) at 8 a.m.

13. We __________ (drink) coffee in the morning.

14. They __________ (play) the guitar very well.

15. She __________ (teach) English at the language center.

16. She __________ (study) hard sánh that she can get into a top university.

17. We __________ (travel) to tát different countries every summer.

18. The company __________ (develop) innovative products to tát stay ahead in the market.

19. He __________ (work) tirelessly to tát achieve his goals.

20. I __________ (work) as a Marketing editor in AHK company.

Đáp án:

1. lives

2. study

3. play

4. goes

5. sleeps


7. watch

8. travel

9. have

10. reads

11. works

12. arrives

13. drink

14. play

15. teaches

16. teaches

17. travel

18. develops

19. works

20. work

Exercise 3. Put the correct size of the verbs.

1. Sarah ___________ (go/goes) to tát the thể hình every day.

2. The students ___________ (study/studies) hard for the exam.

3. My parents ___________ (watch/watches) movies on weekends.

4. He ___________ (plays/play) basketball every Saturday.

5. She usually ___________ (eat/eats) dinner at 7 p.m.

6. They ___________ (visit/visits) their grandparents once a month.

7. Peter ___________ (work/works) as a doctor.

8. We ___________ (like/likes) to tát travel to tát new places.

9. The dog ___________ (barks/bark) at strangers.

10. He ___________ (drinks/drink) coffee in the morning.

Đáp án:

1. goes

2. study

3. watch

4. plays

5. eats

6. visit

7. works

8. like

9. barks

10. drinks

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences as questions.

1. She lives in Thành Phố New York.

2. They speak French fluently.

3. We play soccer every weekend.

4. He works as a doctor.

5. The train arrives at 9 a.m.

Đáp án:

1. Does she live in New York?

2. Do they speak French fluently?

3. Do we play soccer every weekend?

4. Does he work as a doctor?

5. Does the train arrive at 9 a.m.?

Xem tăng những bài xích tập dượt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải cụ thể khác:

  • Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này tiếp nối cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải
  • Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này đơn và lúc này tiếp nối cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải
  • Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này triển khai xong cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải
  • Bài tập dượt Thì lúc này ngày nay triển khai xong tiếp nối cực kỳ hoặc với lời nói giải

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